Some recent work

I have been printing lot recently using Gelli plates and acrylic paint. I love the gel plate to print with. It holds the paint nicely and doesn't dry the paint too quickly. Anyhow should the paint dry too fast its not a disaster. Lay a thin coat of transparent medium and you can pull the print. Or a thin layer of white paint - if your paper is white of course. I have also been thinking of how to use up all those prints. What I like doing is using the prints to cover boxes made from recycled carton. They are quite small but quite rigid at the same time but are also quite inexpensive. Here is a selection of recent prints. As you can see it was made with leaves that I collected from the garden. Dark colour printed first with the leaves then red then yellow. I often use thick tissue paper to blot the paint which leaves a nice texture which I like. This was a transfer from a magazine. You need to use high quality glossy photographs from the more expensive magazines like Vog...